CoaguChek® Pro II
Портативный экспресс–коагулометр CoaguChek Pro II предназначен для профессионального использования.
STA Compact Max3
STA Compact Max 3
Innovation born from Expertise
The STA Compact Max 3 offers significant performance improvements and includes the EPC (expert pre-analytical check) module.
This EPC module controls fill volumes of all types of tubes and detects haemolysed, icteric and lipemic samples, allowing the STA Compact Max 3 to check sample integrity to ensure quality results. It requires no additional plasma volume and does not affect throughput.
STA Satellite Max
STA Satellite Max | Efficiency born from Expertise
The Max family is now complete with the introduction of the STA Satellite Max. The STA Satellite Max builds on the proven strengths of the Max Generation, offering new functionalities.
The STA Satellite Max builds on the proven strengths of the Max Generation, offering new functionalities. and a user-friendly interface making it the ideal solution for Haemostasis testing in low-volume labs.